A view of Moate's Main Street.

Have your say on Moate Town First plan at three events this month

Locals are being invited to have their say as part of the second round of consultation on the draft Moate Town First Masterplan later this month.

Individuals, community and education groups can give their opinions on the proposed vision and project ideas developed for the blueprint which aims to ensure that the town develops as an attractive and desirable place to work, live and invest in the years ahead at three different consultation events in Moate on March 28 and 29 next.

The first is in Moate Library for invited community and educational group on Tuesday, March 28 from 2pm to 4pm, later that day the drop-in event moves to Moate's Carmelite Centre from 7pm to 9pm where there will be a presentation for stakeholders and interested parties.

On Wednesday, March 29, the public can drop-in and have their say on the emerging ideas, vision for the plan and proposed projects in Moate Library from 10am to 2pm.

Consultants Allies and Morrison will be on hand at all of the consultation events to answer questions, provide information and answer questions on the draft masterplan which is expected to be finalised in June of this year, and will include a suite of actions and implementation toolkit to assist in securing funding and help delivery planned projects. The first round of local consultation took place in January.

Moate was selected for the national launch of the Government’s Town Centre First Policy early last year - a major new policy that aims to tackle vacancy, combat dereliction and breathe new life into town centres.

The Moate Town First plan will be informed and implemented by a ‘Town Team’ supported by the Town Regeneration Officer.

Town and Village Renewal Funding of €112,500 was later secured by Westmeath County Council for the refurbishment of the former fire station to facilitate an office for the Moate Town Team.

The document is expected to identify challenges, actions and integrated responses across a number of themes such as business/commercial, community/cultural, housing/built environment and heritage in Moate, all of which is underlined in a presentation on the draft plan process which is available on the Westmeath County Council website.

Making Moate a must-see destination is also referred to in the presentation, which stresses the importance of the built heritage, the greenway and the sense of place.

For more information check out https://www.westmeathcoco.ie/en/ourservices/regeneration/moatetowncentrefirstmasterplan/

Photo by Jason McCormack