Jack McKervey, Michael McMenamim, Peter Phillips, John Henson, Chairperson of Croí na hEireann, and John McCrossan at the Croí na hÉireann table quiz in The Bounty last Wednesday night. Photo: Paul Molloy.

Croí na hEireann Chairperson heartened by festival 'buy in'

A capacity crowd attended the Croí na hEireann fundraising table quiz at the Bounty on Wednesday night, February 8.

Chairman John Henson said that while it was a huge success financially, the presence of groups from all sections of the sporting and business community was the real success story of the night.

The people of Athlone have really gotten behind this festival, he said with great numbers at the launch night and again at this fundraiser and with offers of help and suggestions coming in each week, he appealed for this 'buy in' to continue and expand .

He had special thanks to Event Coordinator Gerry Duignan, MC Sharon Clinton, score judges and IT Group Harry and Breda Mooney, William and Marie Leahy and Martin Carey, whose experience in these events was obvious in the smooth and efficient manner in which the event was run. The festival committee is very grateful for their assistance.

The sponsors, HB Safety Services , Athlone Regional Sports Centre and Seery's of Athlone were also thanked for their support as were Pascal Dillon and Tom Silk for their hospitality on the night.

The winning team included Claire and Kieran McCarty, Liz O'Sullivan and Roisin O'Hanlon, who donated their first place cash prize to the fund and this very generous gesture was greeted with sustained applause.

Second place went to a group from Moate ('The Volunteers') from last year's parade consisting of Johnny Doran, Benny Smith, Tom Duffy and Breen Smith.

Overall, it was an enjoyable, profitable and good humoured event with spot prizes won for various reasons from the Team name 'Quisty Moore' to the table who mistakenly thought they had entered a speed dating event.

A full list of events for the festival will be announced very shortly and it is still not late for new ideas from groups or individuals.