IFA President Tim Cullinan.

IFA to hold national meeting on lamb prices in Athlone

The IFA will hold a public meeting for sheep farmers in Athlone this evening (Monday, January 23).

It takes place at a critical time for the sheep sector, with falling prices and rising costs placing huge pressure on farmers.

The meeting in Radisson Blu, Athlone at 8pm will hear presentations from Teagasc on the costs of production; Bord Bia will give an update on the market outlook for lamb, with the processor perspective from Irish Country Meats.

Sheep farmers are facing a very challenging period with factory prices currently running €1/kg behind last year’s levels, with no reduction in production costs.

IFA President Tim Cullian said the continual weakening of lamb prices by factories when production costs are at an all-time high is not acceptable and must stop.

“Input costs on sheep farms has increased in the past 12 months by over 40% and sheep farmers do not have the capacity to absorb this increase which has eroded the income levels in an extremely vulnerable sector,” he said.

Tim Cullinan said Teagasc has forecasted margins from sheep production to decline further this year with current prices insufficient to cover the increased costs of production. The outlook for 2023 forecasts feed prices to increase by a further 10%, with no weakening of fertilizer prices which have increased 195% on 2021 levels. Other direct costs are forecasted to increase by 4% in 2023.

He said last week's Bord Bia seminar heard about the challenging market environment for lamb. However, prices in one of our most important markets - France - has consistently held above €8/kg, and has gone over €8.50/kg.

The IFA President said the relentless downward price pressure must stop and prices must return to viable levels to provide confidence to sheep farmers to orderly market lambs over the next few weeks and months.

IFA Sheep Chairman Kevin Comiskey said in addition to cutting prices, factories are imposing weight cuts on lambs in an attempt to flatten prices. This is sending negative messages to farmers committed to finishing lambs.

He said farmers are becoming increasingly unviable with current prices and the failure of the Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue to provide meaningful direct supports is adding to this.

“There is real concern within the sector for the spring trade and action needs to be taking immediately to support farmers to maintain a year-round supply of lamb,” he concluded.

Meanwhile, ICSA Sheep chair Sean McNamara has said sheep farmers urgently need answers as to what supports will be forthcoming as prices look set to plummet even further. “Sheep farmers need help; it’s as simple as that. Prices look set to dip below €6/kg this week which is a travesty when you consider how much our input costs have gone up,” he said.

“The sector is in crisis and it’s about time the Government acknowledged this."

Mr McNamara said the influx of New Zealand lamb into the EU as well as the continuous importation of UK lamb into this country is driving local producers out of business. “Imports of New Zealand lamb into China have been halted which is having a massive knock-on effect as New Zealand lamb is now flooding our traditional EU markets. We really need Bord Bia to step up and market our product properly so that consumers will choose Irish lamb above anything else.”

“We also need our processors to show some solidarity with their suppliers. For a start they could stop bringing in so much lamb from the UK – both live, and in carcase form. There is no reason for shipments of UK lamb to be arriving on these shores week after week. It’s a blatant attack on local suppliers because we know it’s being done purely to keep prices here at an unrealistic and unsustainably low level.

“The bottom line is that we need a fair price for our product. A fair price is one that covers our cost of production at the very least. This should not be too much to ask for when we are producing a top quality, nutritious product. However, the reality is that we are further away from a fair price than ever. The sector is at a tipping point and without serious government intervention there is a risk of it being obliterated completely.”

Mr McNamara urged consumers to always choose locally produced Irish lamb. “Nothing compares to Irish lamb in terms of quality, freshness, and taste. Always choose Irish lamb and support local farmers.”