Franciscans provide update on Athlone plans
The Franciscan Province of Ireland has confirmed it will withdraw from the Franciscan Friary in Athlone, as announced earlier in 2022. Many people have expressed an interest in knowing what is going to happen to the friary and to the church in Athlone.
With regard to the friary: the Franciscans have received inquiries from a number of groups and individuals offering suggestions about the future use of the building. At present, an agreement is being finalised with one of these groups and an announcement will be made within a few weeks. At this stage, it can be stated that the property is not being sold.
Concerning the church: at this time, it is not possible to make any definitive decision about the church; however, as has been publicised already, arrangements are being made to keep the church open for private prayer, with a reduced availability of the celebration of Mass. When a new Bishop has been appointed to Ardagh and Clonmacnoise, this situation will be reviewed.