Flashback to Athlone Agri Show during the summer. Melissa Glynn from Athlone took 1st place in the photography competition with her photo taken on Croagh Patrick at Athlone Agri Show.

Call for people to get involved in Athlone Agri Show 2023

There is a call for people to get involved in Athlone Agri Show 2023 ahead of the organising committee's AGM on January 18 in the Bounty at 8pm.

"I want to encourage as many people as possible to attend this years AGM, as it is vital that we are able to follow an exceptional 2022 show with an even better one in 2023. We need people involved to make this happen so it is important that we have a good crowd," Chairman Cllr John Dolan said.

"We had our first year at our new site in Michael Donoghue’s farm in 2022 and it proved to be an excellent location and we had a massive crowd on the day. So we are looking forward to being back there again this year" added Cllr Dolan.