Canadian-based Athlone man Damien Hyland, and his son Deo, meeting Mr Claus.

Damien ‘hasn’t looked back’ after move to Canada


Damien Hyland, from Glenwood, Baylin, Athlone, has been living in the Vancouver, Canada, area for more than five years now. He is a son of Frankie and Patricia, has a sister, Deirdre, and brothers Aidan, Ian, Colm, and Jason.

How did your move to Canada come about, and what do you do there?

I had been working in a job I didn't like back at home. I decided to jump on a flight with a couple of friends who were planning to go, and I never looked back. I'm a manager of a CCTV company for the last 4 years.

What are the best and worst things about living in Vancouver?

I've lived in multiple different cities in the lower mainland of Canada. I started in Kits (a neighbourood in Vancouver), then moved to Coquitlam, and then to Surrey, which is where I'm currently living. The best about living all over is the long summers - 3 to 4 months of hot, shorts weather - and the worst is not having enough time to travel to other areas of Canada. The place is huge.

What are your plans for Christmas Day this year?

I'll be spending time with my girlfriend, Desiree, and son Deo, at home in Surrey. Her sister Veronica might join us, with her boyfriend Micheal.

Are there any Canadian Christmas traditions that you'll get to experience?

Thanksgiving (Canada celebrates it on a different day than America).

What are some of the things you miss about Christmas in Ireland?

Having pints with the friends and family. My good friends the Donohoes, next door to my home house, have a great set up out back that does be rocking over the Christmas, and that's the place for me.

Is there any message you would like to send to your friends or family reading this?

Just to send love to all the family and friends, and a shout out to nanny Margaret. She has too many grand kids and great-grandchildren to count at this stage.

Lots of love guys, we'll see you soon.