Left to right, Paul Kelly, Station Visits Officer, Lough Ree RNLI, Eliza Crosbie, Kevin Ganly, Operations Manager, Lough Ree RNLI.

Lough Ree RNLI opens Christmas shop

As the festive season draws near, Lough Ree RNLI throws open the doors of the lifeboat station at Coosan Point for a special Christmas sale next Saturday afternoon, November 26.

RNLI Christmas cards are central to the charity’s fund-raising drive at this time of year. Always high on the shopping list of supporters the Christmas cards and other RNLI merchandise will be on sale at the new lifeboat station on Saturday afternoon next from 1pm.

Lough Ree RNLI Treasurer Vincent Rafter said: "The public support of the charity and its volunteers are crucial for the organisation. So far this year Lough Ree RNLI volunteer crew has responded to 47 call outs on the lake. Over the past two years RNLI fund raising in the Midlands has been focussed on the provision of the new lifeboat station which opened in June.

"The facility itself is fast becoming a major attraction in the area with volunteers hosting planned visits every month," he commented.

Recently the volunteer crew were pleased to receive an encouraging note of thanks, following a visit, from a young girl in Athlone.

Eliza Crosbie (9) from Retreat Heights was part of a group from St Ciaran’s NS, Baylin who visited the lifeboat station recently.

In her letter she expressed an interest in helping the charity in any way and perhaps making use of her life saving skills. The letter was accompanied by a colourful drawing of the lifeboat on the water.

Station Visits Officer at Lough Ree RNLI, Paul Kelly, said: "The visits are a new initiative for us, and this is one of the first responses we have received. The future of the RNLI is assured with the enthusiasm Eliza and her friends have expressed for the organisation".

So impressed were the Lough Ree RNLI volunteer crew with the letter that they invited Eliza to the station this week for a personal tour. Lough Ree RNLI Operations Manager Kevin Ganly and Station Visits Officer Paul Kelly made a small presentation to Eliza to mark the occasion.