'Transport Minister should veto proposed hike in toll charges'

There is no justification for the scale of toll increases due to come into effect within weeks, according to Catherine Murphy TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats.

“With private motorists and haulage companies already struggling with increased fuel costs, the reported rise in tolls from January 1 will come as a further blow.

“The level of increase, by as much as 60 cent in some cases, is difficult to justify in the current climate. The State-owned M50 – one of the country’s most notorious bottlenecks – will heap further misery on road users when toll charges are upped by over nine percent.

“Meanwhile, all the public-private (PPP) motorways are set to bring in the maximum tolls allowed under their agreements with the State. Only users of the Dublin Port Tunnel will be spared from price increases on this occasion.

“The Minister for Transport needs to read the room and realise how badly this will play with a public already grappling with a cost-of-living crisis. He must immediately intervene by using his veto to stop these increases from going ahead.

“Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) must also explain the rationale behind the scale of the increases. It is difficult to accept their contention that the toll rises are necessary for the maintenance of motorways and the wider road network.

“Ordinary people will end up paying twice for these increases, both in terms of higher tolls and through any costs passed on to consumers due to extra operational expenses incurred by logistics or distribution companies.”

Anthony Keane, chair of the Longford Westmeath branch, added "Over 12% of people in Longford and Westmeath commute outside of the counties for work, with many paying on the M4, M6, and M50. With rising fuel costs and an already overwhelming cost of living crisis, the toll increases could well prove to be too much for people to handle."