The Franciscans will be leaving their Athlone base, at Friary Lane, in January.

O'Rourke "saddened and numb" over departure of Franciscans from Athlone

The chairperson of Westmeath County Council, Cllr Aengus O'Rourke, said he was "saddened and numb" after the news emerged this week that the Franciscan order would be leaving Athlone.

It was publicly announced yesterday (Tuesday) that the Franciscan community would be withdrawing from Athlone on January 6 next.

"The Franciscans have given incredible support and service to the people of Athlone and the Midlands over eight centuries, first coming to Athlone in 1241," said Cllr O'Rourke.

"Therefore, it is no surprise to me that the people of Athlone are talking about nothing else at the moment but the departure of our dear friends in the Franciscan community.

"Fr Aidan McGrath, Minister Provincial, said that the decision was taken in response to an ageing and reduced membership. I spoke to the Friars in Athlone since the announcement and they made it clear to me that the lack of manpower was the only factor behind the decision.

"I was initially concerned that it might have been for financial considerations, given the cost of living and energy crises. But they made it clear to me that it was solely down to a lack of new vocations and the age profile of their existing members.

"They also said that they really appreciated all the support they received from the people of Athlone, they have never wanted for anything. They feel so at home here and are so sad that it has come to this.

"They explained that the writing was on the wall for them following the closures of Waterford, Clonmel and Drogheda in recent years.

Cllr Aengus O'Rourke

"Athlone will be a very sad town come January, when the six remaining Franciscan Friars leave Athlone for the last time to take up residence elsewhere in Ireland and the beautiful Friary church falls silent.

"On behalf of the people of Athlone and the wider Midlands region I want to sincerely thank the Franciscan Friars for their dedication and service for so many years.

"And I would like to wish each of the Friars departing Athlone every good wish in their new homes and locations around the country.

"I know the six men based in the Friary in Athlone are just as sad to leave, as we will be to see them go. It is important that they know we are praying for them and thinking about them as they embark on this new chapter in their own personal and religious lives," Cllr O'Rourke concluded.