WATCH: Burlesque performer Miss Memphis Shell
Burlesque performer and 2021 Queen of Hell Miss Memphis Shell aka Michelle Jinks recently spoke to the Westmeath Independent about how she first entered the world of Burlesque.
Michelle first started performing burlesque in 2016 and took part in a charity event in The Piano Bar where she first showcased her artistic skills.
Since then Michelle has started her own burlesque show in Athlone based in The Dark Horse Pub called 'Only After Dark' and previously was a finalist in the Miss Burlesque Ireland competition.
She was crowned Queen of Hell last year in the Hell on Heels competition which enables performers to exhibit their dance and performance technique.
The Athlone native also recently started teaching burlesque classes. Michelle held her first workshop in August and hopes to hold further classes in the future.
A Halloween themed Only After Dark Burlesque show will take place in The Dark Horse Pub on Sunday, October 30. It will feature award-winning burlesque, pole and drag performers. There will also be a fancy dress competition on the night with a €100 prize for Best Costume. Tickets will go on sale for the Halloween show this Saturday, October 1 on Eventbrite.
A Christmas show, Only After Dark 'Silent Night, Deadly Night' will also be held in The Dark Horse Pub on Saturday, December 10.
For more information follow Miss Memphis Shell and the 'Only After Dark A Night Of Burlesque' pages on Facebook and Instagram.