Ballymahon Day Care Centre allocated €50,000 for minibus
Convent House Day Care Centre in Ballymahon is celebrating the news of a €50,000 allocation for the purchase of a minibus under Measure 2 of the CLÁR Programme.
The news was delivered to delighted service users by local Senator, Micheál Carrigy, who worked closely with Centre Manager, Breda Greaves, and the Board on the application for funding.
Senator Carrigy explained that the Day Centre in Ballmahon depends on clients to arrive using their own private transport or by using public transport. "Unfortunately, the current public transport timetable is not always suitable to the opening times of the centre, which in turn had deprived some of their clients from attending" he said.
The local Senator recently facilitated a visit by clients from Ballymahon Day Care Centre to Leinster House, during which clients took the opportunity to express how important the Day Centre is and how having a minibus would enrich the service for themselves and attract more users for the Day Care Centre.
"Today my colleague Minister Humphreys is announcing a total of €1.62 million under Measure 2 of the CLÁR Programme – supporting the purchase of a record 32 vehicles in rural communities" said Senator Carrigy.
"Ballymahon Convent House Day Care centre clients will benefit greatly from this funding for its own minibus and it will greatly enhance their daily lives" he said.
The minibus will cover areas such as Newtowncashel, Derryhaun, Kenagh, Moydow Carrickedmond, Derrygowna, Claris, Derrydarragh, Forthill, Tang, Tubberclare, Glasson and Drumnee.
"These are all catchment areas where eligible clients are living in very isolated areas” said Senator Carrigy.