Revealed: The pass rates at local driving test centres last year
The pass rate for driving tests in the Midlands last year was higher than the national average, with just under six in every ten people who sat the test in Athlone doing so successfully.
A breakdown of the pass rates at driving test centres across the country in 2021 showed that 59.7% of those who took the test at the Athlone driving test centre passed.
This was slightly higher than the pass rates at the test centres in Mullingar (57.8%), Longford (58.5%) and Roscommon (57.8%).
In Offaly, the pass rate at the Birr driving test centre last year was 58.5%. The pass rate was higher again, and the highest in the region, at 62.8%, for tests held from the County Arms Hotel test centre in Birr.
In Tullamore, the pass rate was the lowest in the Midlands region, at 53.8%. This was close to the average pass rate nationally, of 53.2%.
The figures were released to Newstalk by the Road Safety Authority, under the Freedom of Information Act.
The driving test centre in Nenagh had the lowest pass rate in the country in 2021. Just 39.5% of people taking the test - fewer than four in ten - passed it in Nenagh last year.
The test centre in Loughrea, Galway, had the country's highest pass rate, at 74.7%.