Plans underway to establish a youth club for Drum

A public meeting to establish a youth club in Drum is being organised by Youth Work Ireland Midlands (YWIM)

The meeting, for teenagers aged 12-16 years (1st year-TY), their parents/guardians and interested locals will take place on Wednesday, March 2 in Drum Community Centre at 7.30pm.

Youth clubs are local groups for young people, usually aged between 8 and 18 years, with a number of adult leaders. Youth club programmes include recreational and educational activities and give young people experience of organising their own activities in a democratic way. Typical Youth Club activities include: Indoor/outdoor fun games, arts & crafts, drama, music, cinema night, bowling, swimming, cooking, to name but a few. In Ireland, youth clubs are usually run by Youth Work Ireland (YWI), formally known as the National Youth Federation, a national voluntary organisation.

Youth Work Ireland Midlands (YWIM) is the regional branch of YWI. It supports communities to set up clubs catering for young people aged 8 to 18 years. Junior clubs work with 8-11 year olds (4th – 6th class) and Senior Clubs work with 12-18 year olds (1st years – Leaving Certs). All Youth Work Ireland Midlands affiliated clubs work within a code of practice, which sets basic standards that ensure the welfare of the young people and leaders in the club. Services provided to affiliated clubs include induction, leadership & child safeguarding training, club insurance, ongoing support and training, events/competition, and interclub contacts and activities.

The Drum group is in need of volunteers to support this project.

Full training will be provided free of charge by YWIM and you will never be on your own.

Further information about this project may be obtained from Eileen McArdle on 086 3294763 or Faustina Monaghan on 087 1036592 Youth Workers with YWIM.