Presentation to Hooves 4 Hospice in memory of Betty Moran
Early in 2021, Offaly senior footballer Bernard Allen represented Tubber GAA Club in the 'Walk for Club and County' fundraiser organised by Offaly GAA. The donations received were to be split 50/50 between the club and the county. Tubber GAA Club decided to donate their share of the funds raised to 'Hooves 4 Hospice', the Midland Hospice Building Project, in the memory of the late Betty Moran.
Betty passed away in May 2020, while the whole country was in lockdown under the severe restrictions imposed due to the onset of Covid-19. Betty had been the life and soul of the Tubber community for decades, especially her beloved Tubber GAA Club of which she was Life President, and it was with great regret that it was not possible to give her the send-off she deserved due to the restrictions at that time. In honour of Betty, Tubber GAA Club was delighted to be able to donate €2,000 to 'Hooves 4 Hospice' earlier this year. The club thanks Bernard for representing it in the fundraiser, and thanks all who contributed to this very worthwhile cause. At a presentation to 'Hooves 4 Hospice' in the clubhouse, Betty was represented by her daughters Liz and Margaret.