Heavin to host public meeting on Athlone's future
Green Party Cllr Louise Heavin is to host a public meeting, entitled 'Athlone: Our Vision for Our Town', to discuss how the town could develop over the coming years.
“Athlone needs to develop to meet the needs of residents, visitors and the local economy. We would like to give local people the opportunity to voice their views on how their town should develop,” Cllr Heavin said.
Members of the public are invited to join the Zoom meeting on July 28, at 8pm, to discuss your ideas and opinions.
The meeting will be addressed by Cllr Heavin, CEO of Athlone Chamber of Commerce, Gerry McInerney and Philomena Barry, presenter of Athlone Community Radio’s, ‘For Arts Sake’.
As the consultation for the new Athlone Town Development Plan commences this year, the views expressed in this meeting will form the basis for Cllr Heavin’s submission to the plan and contribute to how our town will grow.
The Town Development Plan sets out an overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of Athlone Town and surrounding areas, whilst protecting and enhancing the cultural and environmental assets of Athlone.
As an architect and Green Party Councillor, Louise was one of the proponents of the Green Party’s ‘Town Centres First’ strategy within the Programme for Government.
“In the context of climate change, revitalizing our town is a key part of sustainable development,” she says.
“It’s better for the health and wellbeing of our communities, small businesses and regional economy. We also have a wealth of heritage in our town centre which is worth protecting and enhancing for future generations."
“I’m looking forward to a good discussion and I would encourage everyone to come along to Athlone: Our Vision for Our Town.”
The meeting takes place online at 8pm on Wednesday, July 28.
You can register to attend here: