Gerry Mulrooney who celebrated his 90th. birthday last Friday and also received his vaccination for Covid 19.

90-year old Gerry attributes long life to “thinking of others”

“Thinking of others, and not spending too much time thinking about yourself” is the simple philosophy which has dominated the life of well-known Athlone man, Gerry Mulrooney, who celebrated his 90th birthday on Friday last.

Having spent over 50 years working as a volunteer with the local branch of St. Vincent de Paul – a job he only relinquished “two or three years ago” - Gerry knows more than most that giving of one’s time and energy to those who are in need has many positive benefits.

“I wouldn’t say I was ever bored in my whole life, because I was always thinking of others, and that has got me to where I am today,” he says, adding that he “never once regretted” becoming involved with St Vincent de Paul.

One of his proudest possessions is a Service Medal that was awarded to him by Pope Francis for 50 years of volunteerism, and he says he met some of his “greatest friends in life” through his work with St Vincent de Paul, much of which was spent among members of the local travelling community.

On Friday last, Gerry celebrated his 90th birthday.

He says everyone “made a great fuss” on his birthday and, as well as receiving tons of Birthday cards and Mass Bouquets, he was also the recipient of a “wonderful birthday” cake which was made by Liz Gillooly (Fahy) and he says the whole day was “worth waiting for.”

While he was born in Ballinrobe in County Mayo, Gerry Mulrooney has lived in Athlone for 73 years, and says he is well and truly an Athlone man at this stage! He is very proud to have been nominated on two occasions for the Athlone Person of the Year Award.

As a long-term resident of St Francis Terrace, he says he has “fantastic neighbours and friends” in the general area none more so than Ann Colleran whom he describes as being “one of the best neighbours anyone could wish for.” He also has a carer from the Philippines and says he is “looked after to the best.”

Over the years, Gerry Mulrooney has had two hip replacements, one of which had to be adjusted twice, and he also suffered injuries in a traffic accident in Athlone, but despite all these setbacks his enthusiasm for working with St Vincent de Paul remained undiminished.

“At the moment I am getting ready to have a double cataract operation, but every day I thank God to be as good as I am at 90 years of age, and simply put, I would say I have got this far by thinking of others, and not spending too much time thinking about myself,” he says.