Drugs discovered in parcels in postal system

PHOTO: The Athlone Mail Centre where the drugs were discovered in parcels destined for addresses in Ireland.

Illegal drugs with an estimated value of almost €35,000 were discovered in parcels at Athlone Mail Centre last week.

The drugs were discovered by Revenue officers in parcels being sent in the postal system and destined for various addresses throughout Ireland. These seizures were made as a result of routine operations.

They includes 1.15kg of herbal cannabis which Revenue estimated to have a value of €23,000, 31.5g of heroin (€4,400), 290 ecstasy tablets (€2,900) and 52g of ketamine (€3,120).

The seizures followed seizures of herbal cannabis with an estimated value of €192,300 by Revenue officers at Dublin Parcel Hub and

Finally, also earlier this week, as a result of routine profiling, Revenue officers at Rosslare Europort seized over 13,100 litres of wine. The smuggled alcohol, with an estimated retail value of over €247,400 representing a loss to the Exchequer of €148,800, had arrived in a foreign registered truck that had disembarked a ferry from France.