Plan to expand Mullingar Greyhound Stadium
The Irish Greyhound Board (IGB) is seeking tenders from buildings for work at Mullingar Greyhound Stadium which will allow capacity at its upper floor restaurant to almost double.
The IGB is tendering for the partial demolition and construction of a stairway extension and other wite works at Mullingar Greyhound Stadium. The works are required to address a capacity issue in the upper floor restaurant at the stadium which is currently limited to a capacity of 126 patrons. Following completion of the work the capacity of the upper floor restaurant will expand to 240 patrons.
The undertaking of the works will cause short term disruption to activities at Mullingar greyhound stadium. The IGB has indicated that the management of any disruption to activities at the stadium will be discussed with the preferred contractor in advance of works commencing. The works form part of the ongoing upgrade of facilities within the greyhound stadia network to meet the increased regulatory standards that now apply to such stadia.
The closing date for receipt of the tenders is 1pm on March 24.