Call on Irish Water to suspend charges in Roscommon
Two Roscommon County Councillors have called on Irish Water to suspend water charges for farms and businesses as the water is unsafe to drink.
Cllrs Domnick Connolly and Laurence Fallon issued a joint letter to Irish Water calling for current water charges to commercial customers to be suspended where the supply is unsafe for human consumption.
Presently in South Roscommon, Castlerea and Boyle many businesses which rely on water are forced to buy in supplies because there is a boil water notice on their supply.
This very issue was raised by Denis Naughten TD in the Dáil before Christmas where he was given a commitment by Minister Fergus O’Dowd that “Irish Water should not be allowed to charge for water supplies that are subject to restrictions on health grounds”.
Cllrs Fallon and Connolly believe now that Irish Water has taken over responsibility for the supply of water to commercial users that it should not charge them for an unsafe supply.
They pointed out that commercial users of water such as bars, restaurants, food processors etc. are presently being charged for a supply which the HSE states is unsafe to drink and they are urging Irish Water to act in good faith on the Minister’s commitment to Denis Naughten last month.
“While this does not address the fundamental issue that 90% of people nationally with a boil water notice in place reside in County Roscommon, it will at least act as an acknowledgement to the customers of Irish Water of the financial hardship which they are experiencing and the commitment to have this matter resolved as soon as possible,” concluded the local public representatives.