Westmeath’s Ashley Tubridy on Aertv today
Westmeath’s Ashley Tubridy’s new video is released exclusively on Aertv’s ‘Back to Basics’ today.
The talented 10-year-old from Mullingar performs her track ‘Light My Sun’ with incredible conviction and passion on the new website which helps to promote independent Irish musicians.
“The song ‘Light My Sun’ is about a relationship between Ashley and her friend and how she thought that she was a true friend but it turns out that she wasn’t so nice after all,” mother to the young star Samantha Tubridy explains.
“This person let her down quite badly and she was very hurt by what this friend had done to her. So an evening not too long after the event, Ashley composed this song using the anger, hurt and pain that she was experiencing to explain how she was feeling inside as a result of that day!”
In 2011 Ashley won the hearts of the nation when she performed her own track ‘Friends Forever’ on The Late Late Show. The same track reached Number 2 on the iTunes Ireland download charts.
Ashley has already played numerous gigs throughout Ireland including a special event that was put on for One Direction star Niall Horan’s charity birthday bash last year. She is making big strides having also busked with Mullingar star Bressie.
Fans can look forward to Ashley playing lots of festivals and gigs over the summer months once school is out. Details of upcoming gigs as well as news of her EP due to be released in June will be released on her Facebook page.
Aertv’s Back to Basics digital platform gives a voice to independent Irish musicians and promotes bands with beautifully shot acoustic videos that can easily be shared online. The initiative makes finding new Irish music and promoting the bands simpler than ever.
Click on the video below to check out Ashley’s new video
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