A mix of comedy and intrigue in The 39 Steps
The Dean Crowe Theatre is this week bracing itself for one of the best pieces of theatre to grace the Athlone stage for many a year. Paddy Martin and his magnificent cast and crew are putting the final touches to Athlone Little Theatre's fantastic production of 'The 39 Steps' in the Dean Crowe Theatre, which begins tomorrow, Wednesday, December 7, and runs until Saturday. This multi award-winning play is certain to wow audiences, with it's brilliant mix of comedy, intrigue and downright craziness and the sheer array of characters, costumes, props and set will thrill from the get-go. With a superb cast of Dermot McManus, Maria Griffin, Ronan Flynn and the incomparable Malcolm Whelan, audiences are in for a real treat. This dedicated and extremely hardworking cast are matched only by a backstage production team that is second to none. With the likes of Marie Melia, Camilla Flanagan, Rachel Clarke, Olivia Grogan, Annette Dowling, John Allen, Brian Campbell and Paul Slevin all working hard, the effect will be nothing short of spectacular. Lighting is in the very capable hands of Tommy Martin and Paschal Gough, with everything else falling to the director Paddy Martin and his trusty side-kick Clive Darling, who is responsible for an extremely complicated sound track and special effects in the hundreds. It is no wonder that this is a multi-award winning play, which is also the longest running comedy thriller ever on Broadway, and it is one not to be missed.