One in six has a disability
Roughly one in every six people in Westmeath and Roscommon has a disability, according to the most recent figures from the Central Statistics Office. The figures also showed that some 155 children under the age of 15 across the two counties were engaged in providing care to others The latest statistics from last year's census published this week showed that a total of 11,303 persons, accounting for 13.1% of the population in Westmeath, had a disability in April 2011. Of these 5,559 (49.2%) were male while 5,744 (50.8%) were female. This compares with 13% of the population for the State as a whole. In Roscommon, some 8,759 people or 13.7% of the county's population had at least one disability. Of these 4,362 (49.8%) were male while 4,397 (50.2%) were female. In Westmeath, the most common disability recorded was a difficulty with pain, breathing or other chronic illness or condition which was experienced by 46.5% of disabled people in the county. However, across the Shannon, the most common disability recorded in Roscommon was a difficulty with basic physical activities which was experienced by 46.5% Overall, 59.3% of people in Westmeath had very good health with a further 28.8% indicating that their health was good. 1,399 people (1.6%) indicated that they had bad or very bad health. Meanwhile, 57.5% of people in Roscommon had very good health with a further 29.1% indicating that their health was good. 1,138 people (1.8%) indicated that they had bad or very bad health. Carers The census showed that a total of 3,607 persons or 4.2% of the total population of Westmeath were providing unpaid assistance to others. Of these carers 2,178 (60.4%) were women and 1,429 (39.6%) men. These carers provided a total of 125,739 hours of care per week. It also showed that 101 children aged under 15 years were engaged in providing care to others. Some 3,033 persons or 4.7% of Roscommon's population were providing unpaid care to others. These carers provided a total of 113,853 hours of care per week. It also showed that 54 children aged under 15 years were caring for others in Roscommon.