Halloween parade to take place today
A host to ghouls, ghosts and goblins will parade through the streets of Athlone this evening for the Halloween parade that's sure to be a spook-tacular site! The parade, which is being organised by the Gateway Project, will gather at Seán's Bar at 7pm and will begin at 7.30pm, crossing the bridge and through Church Street before finishing at the Civic Square at 8pm, where Athlone Youth Band will perform until 8.15pm. This will be followed by a dance display from Starlight Kids and then at 8.30pm Tonnta will hold a fire breathing display. The parade is just one event planned to celebrate Halloween, with a family fun day taking place in St Mary's Hall all day today. The fun day will include a variety of classes and a disco for 13 to 17 year olds that night. Workshops include pumpkin carving from 12 noon until 3pm; jewellery making at the same time; circus skills for U12 from 2pm to 3pm; clown and magic from 3pm to 4pm and circus skills for over 12s from 4pm to 5pm. It is necessary to book in advance for these workshops so the organisers can prepare for them in advance. Booking forms for these workshops should be returned to Delores Crerar, Project Co-ordinator, Gateway Youth Project & Educational Support Services, St Mary's Hall, Northgate Street, Athlone. These events will take place in the Gateway Youth Project. There will be a number of other activities on the day, however, for which it is not necessary to book, including mask making, face painting and fortune telling, all running from 12 noon to 5pm and a mini disco from 5pm to 6pm. At 9pm a teenage disco, in association with Jumping Jacks, will be held at the Athlone Youth Booth Cafe, St Mary's Hall, for 13 to 17 year olds. The disco will run until midnight and will be a ticket only event.