Rory Currid and Des Hennelly sporting their county colours at Savoury Fare on John Broderick Street this week ahead of this Sunday's All Ireland Senior Football Final. Photo Ann Hennessy

Battle of the business partners as final rivalry hits local restaurant

It's advantage Donegal heading into this weekend's All Ireland Senior Football Final against Mayo! At least that's the banter at Savoury Fare this week, where co-proprietors Rory Currid (Donegal) and Des Hennelly (Mayo) are proudly sporting their county colours. And Des is already feeling like he's one down as Rory has managed to get his hands on tickets for the final, while he is still hoping against hope to get to Croke Park on Sunday. "Donegal are up," Des joked on Monday afternoon as the two local businessmen engaged in some banter ahead of the first ever All-Ireland final between Donegal and Mayo. And not only is Rory ahead by having tickets for the final, but the Donegal flag is also higher on the hill at Savoury Fare on John Broderick Street - as he was first to arrive at work with a flag once Donegal reached the final. A native of Hollymount, Co. Mayo, Des said: "Rory was ahead with the flag and I got organised then." But it's all just some friendly rivalry between the pair, who have run Savoury Fare in the centre of town since 1999, and have since opened premises in Monksland and at Fern Hill and more recently taken over The Tea Rooms in Ballinahown. "There's great banter," explained Rory, who is a native of Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal, and said customers are getting in on it now as some people wouldn't have known where they were originally from. As well as flying a Donegal and Mayo flag at the John Broderick Street premises, there are posters displaying both Rory and Des in their county colours and they thanked Aengus O'Rourke for these this week. "It creates a bit of atmosphere in the town of Athlone," said Rory, who is looking forward to attending the final on Sunday. Asked for his predictions this week, he said: "I'm quietly confident but I'd be superstitious so I don't want to hype up Donegal, but they deserve a win after 20 years." Des added: "I'm going with an open mind but I hope Mayo can win." Both men are planning to take next Monday off from work, but as an added bonus the winner will get Tuesday off too, joked Des this week, who said he hopes to be in Castlebar on Monday night! So who will you be supporting in Sunday's final?