Raindrops can take the knots out of your spine!

After two nights of happy camping at Electric Picnic and then suffering the consequences with a cold for the week afterwards, I really felt like I deserved my treat at the Little House of Avalon in Taughmaconnell, Co. Roscommon last week! I was getting the Raindrops Spine Therapy, something that sounds very fancy, but is actually a back massage that focuses on your spine, involving very gentle manipulation of any knots or knocked-out vertebrae. After a week of work, driving the 15 miles or so out to the Little House of Avalon - a holistic health retreat - I immediately felt relaxed in the countryside, heading to a little oasis of wellbeing. Avalon can mean a 'refuge of spirits' or even symbolise immortality, and was the name of an island in King Arthur's time. It is the ideal name for this retreat, as it really is a centre of calm and relaxation. Bearnairdin, a picture of healthy living, welcomed me at the door, and took me upstairs to the airy treatment area. The Raindrops Spine Therapy obviously focuses on the back and spine - from top to bottom. It is a powerful yet gentle massage technique that can help get rid of back pain, improve the alignment of your spine and helps to boost your immune system. And of course, when your aches and pains have been melted away you feel much better, feel more energised and your posture improves no end! Bearnairdin started the treatment on my feet, massaging the parts that relate to the spine. The treatment includes the use of seven organic essential oils; oregano, basil, thyme, cypress, wintergreen, marjoram and peppermint which added to the calming effect of the session. She then moved on to my back and began a series of gentle and subtle movements; focusing along either side of my spine, into my neck and down into the lower back. She also picked up on my troublesome right shoulder and worked on that. From such a gentle massage, I could immediately feel the benefits as all the stress and tension I hold in my back and shoulders, was released. Bearnairdin was so thorough and so gentle, yet so effective at getting into those niggles and soothing out the knots that I didn't even feel her manoeuvring a few vertebrae into place, but my spine did feel 'right' immediately. It was a really effective, powerful massage which would definitely benefit anyone with back pain but who doesn't enjoy the more vigorous massages that are available. Afterwards, I felt looser, more limber and the aches and pains from camping had disappeared. I could notice a difference in my posture - like it was easier to stand up straight with my shoulders back, and the huge knot in my shoulder was gone. (Afterwards I drove to Sligo in about 90 minutes, normally that length of time in a car leaves my lower back and right shoulder really stiff and painful, but I felt fine afterwards and again on my return journey on Sunday night, there was no subsequent pain.) As I had a bit of a head cold, Bearnairdin had another treat in store for me. To help clear out nasal congestion and relieve my sinus, I spent around 45 minutes in her beautiful little salt grotto. I was cocooned into warm blankets in a comfy chair breathing in the crisp, clean salt-rock air, while drinking organic herbal tea and eating a home-grown apple! This treatment is very effective for people with asthma or any bronchitis problems, and it certainly worked for me. The air unblocked my nose and my head felt much clearer afterwards. Bearnairdin is a big believer in getting rid of stress in our lives, because it can bring on illness, whether physical or mental. And the Little House of Avalon is certainly a place in which you will be able to de-stress! Apart from the Raindrops technique, Bearnairdin specialises in the hugely effective and highly recommended Dorn Technique and Breuss Spinal Therapy. Both techniques are widely known and come highly recommended by the medical profession, orthopedic consultants and rehabilitation centres in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. LHoA also offers a highly successful allergy screening and weightloss programme. Visit www.littlehouseofavalon.com for services and offers, or call 090 9683002.