Inccuracies on HSE's pharmacy list for Westmeath

The HSE yesterday (Tuesday) published a list stating that 28 pharmacies in Westmeath will continue to dispense prescriptions under its community drugs schemes from Saturday onwards, however a number of pharmacists in the Athlone area have claimed that the list contains inaccuracies. A dispute between the HSE and pharmacists over a reduction in payments led to a number of pharmacists stating that they would be withdrawing from the schemes from this Saturday, August 1. With the situation changing rapidly at the time of going to press, members of the public are being asked to contact their own pharmacy directly if they have any questions relating to its participation in the community drugs schemes. Paul Cunningham, who operates two pharmacies in Athlone, stated yesterday that he served notice to withdraw from the schemes from August 1 at both of his pharmacies in the town, and that his position had not changed. Despite this, his pharmacy on the Dublin Road was included on the HSE's list of those outlets which will continue in the scheme from Saturday. Mulholland's Pharmacy on Church Street was included on the HSE list yesterday but proprietor Patrick Mulholland told the Westmeath Independent that this was incorrect and that the "ludicrous" HSE cuts meant it wouldn't make economic sense for his pharmacy to remain in the scheme from Saturday. Ray McSharry stated that his Athlone pharmacies, which were not on the HSE list, should have been on it. "We are all in the same boat and even though my pharmacies were not on the list published by the HSE we will continue to look after our customers from Saturday onwards. None of us wants to close," he said. Robert Dolan, who operates two pharmacies in Moate, was on the HSE list. He said that his pharmacies "will continue to take care of people who are registered with us." Michelle Concannon, whose pharmacy on Mardyke Street in Athlone was not on the HSE list, said her intention was still to withdraw from the scheme. "I am concerned about the inaccuracies on the HSE list and I know that all pharmacists in Athlone want an opportunity to negotiate with Mary Harney and get this sorted out as soon as possible," she stated. The Irish Pharmacists Union (IPU) issued a press release yesterday stating that the inaccuracies in the list placed a "huge question mark over credibility of HSE." "Days before the August 1 deadline, patients' anxiety has been increased by the misinformation contained in today's HSE newspaper ad," said IPU spokesperson Liz Hoctor. "The onus is on the Minister to provide a safe and workable alternative to patients to access their medicines, as she and the HSE assured us would be done. If the HSE cannot get a list of pharmacies right how can they dispense medicines safely to people all over the country?"