Fine Gael/Labour retain control of county council
Fine Gael retained the chair of Westmeath County Council for a second year, when at the body"s annual general meeting on Friday last, Mullingar"s Cllr. Fintan Cooney replaced Cllr. Joe Whelan as the county"s first citizen. Cllr Cooney"s election as Cathaoirleach was promptly followed by that of Labour"s Cllr. Dan McCarthy, who will serve as Leas-Cathaoirleach for the coming year, replacing Cllr. Detty Cornally. The new appointments come as Labour and Fine Gael maintain their alliance on Westmeath County Council, closing out a rejuvenated Fianna Fáil, which remained the largest party on the council after a successful local election in Westmeath. It is understood that for the next five years, Fine Gael and Labour will share the chair of the Council, with FG set to occupy the top seat three times between now and 2014. Cllr Cooney was proposed for the chair by his nephew, Athlone"s Cllr Mark Cooney, and seconded by Cllr Frank McDermott. Fianna Fáil"s Paddy Hill, the party"s new Council whip, said that his party would not make a counter-proposal. 'Unfortunately, the numbers simply don"t add up,' he said. Cllr Cooney, accepting the chain of office, described his appointment as a 'distinct honour', and congratulated the outgoing chairman for handling the duties of the Chamber 'with skill, efficiency, and with great dignity'. Conceding that 2009/10 would not be an easy year, Cllr. Cooney expressed the importance of conquering the 'north/south divide' in the county, and working together to face the challenges of the times. His predecessor, Cllr Joe Whelan, said that he was privileged to have served a year as chairman of the council, and thanked his fellow councillors and the Council staff for their assistance during the year. He paid tribute to those who had lost out in the recent local elections, saying that 'those who wish to denigrate local authorities' should look to these former councillors as examples of a spirit of hard work and dedication. Cllr Dan McCarthy was proposed for the position of Leas-Cathaoirleach by Cllr. Mick Dollard, with Cllr. Johnny Penrose seconding. Departing from her role as Vice-Chairperson, Cllr. Detty Cornally thanked Cllr. Whelan for his co-operation during the year, and wished her successor the best of luck in his new role.