Out and About with Simon Broderick

Saturday night BellX1 played in The Bog Lane Theatre in Ballymahon. I was lucky enough to get a ticket. My friends and I were early and so we went to Skelly"s before the gig. The band was road testing songs from their new album, which should see the light of day early next year. They played two sets as a stripped back three piece acoustic band. Unfortunately I couldn"t concentrate properly on the first set as I was distracted by a pressing need to visit the little boy"s room. That"ll teach me to go to the pub before a concert. Stand out tracks on the night included "Rocky Took a Lover", "I"ll see Your Heart and I"ll Raise You Mine" and new track "Defector". I can"t wait to get my mitts on the new album. That"s all for this week, take it easy now!