Gardai probe locals as investigation steps up a gear

Gardai are now investigating the possibility of a local man being behind the horrific attacks in Athlone. Although Gardai say it is too early to say if the same person is behind the five attacks to date, their investigation is understood to be focussed on that line of enquiry. The Westmeath Independent has learned that the possibility that the perpetrator is a local man is also now being seriously considered, due to the extensive knowledge the man has displayed of the town, choosing two isolated locations near a railway line with waste ground in the vicinity. The two attack locations are also near established residential areas where women may feel somewhat safer walking alone, making them attractive to the attacker, who preys on lone women walking during the early hours of the morning. Last year, there were indications that the attacker may have been a foreign national - and whilst this has not been ruled out, the enquiry is now also investigating a local connection. At the time of last year"s attacks, forensic psychologist Mike Berry told the Westmeath Independent that attackers of this nature generally live or work within a mile or two radius of the attack locations they select. If this is the case it is likely the man lives in the centre of town and is very familiar with the areas where he carries out the assaults. Meanwhile, Gardai say they are following as many as 1,000 active lines of inquiry, have conducted some 6,000 house-to-house enquiries and collected photographs of 600 to 700 males in the area, as well as taking DNA samples from men.