South Ros parents could lose €150k childcare funds

Parents in South Roscommon are set to lose out on over €150,000 by not availing of the free pre-school year in Early Childhood Care and Education in September, local Deputy Denis Naughten has revealed. "Figures show that the number of children enrolled in pre-schools and crèches in the Drum/Monksland/Bealnamullia area alone for September is significantly lower than the number of children enrolling annually in local schools," stated Denis Naughten. "At present over 60 families in the area will miss out on up to €2,400 each by not availing of the free pre-school year for eligible children. "Many parents may not be aware that they need to register their child in advance to avail of the scheme for children between the ages of 3 years 3 months and 4 years 6 months." Denis Naughten added: "Many parents are struggling to make ends meet at present and losing out on the free pre-school year will not only leave them at a financial loss, but may leave their children at a disadvantage when starting in primary school. "If you would like to find out more about the Early Childhood Care & Education Scheme an information evening will be run in Monksland Community Centre on Monday 21st June at 7.30pm." For more information on the event contact Roscommon County Childcare Committee on 094 9622540 or email The Early Childhood Care and Education scheme is open to all children aged between 3 years 3 months and 4 years 6 months on 1 September each year. Exemptions can be made where children are over the eligibility age requirement due to special needs or by virtue of the local national school's entry age policy.